My Reading List

I follow a crap load of blogs, but here's a list of blogs (in no particular order) that, in my opinion, everyone should read. 

1. Cuddlebuggery Book Blog:

This blog is all about books, of course. But it's a lot more than a book review blog. They cover everything from Hot New Titles and Cover Reveals to Interviews and Giveaways. And, of course, there's the Buzz Worthy News section, where you can update yourself on all the latest developments in the literary world. Steph, Meg and Kat are the best bloggers ever. You can read about them here.

2. My Life Is A Jalebi:

It's a humour/lifestyle blog written by Sarthak Ahuja who is a chartered accountant (and a very talented writer) from Delhi. Generally, he writes snort-inducing stuff that one can completely relate to.
WARNING: Reading while drinking (anything) can be hazardous; may cause choking. Reading in public should also be avoided, unless one wishes to earn a reputation of being insane.

3. Raising My Rainbow:

Lori Duron writes about her adventures in raising her fabulous, gender-creative son. She is an American author from Orange County, and is the most supportive mother I've ever come across. Her blog is not just for parents with gender fluid children, it's simply about parenting done right. If you like her blog, you should check out her book Raising My Rainbow. (Foreword by Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka.)

4. Wait But Why

Tim Urban provides your weekly dose of life lessons hidden between oodles of genius humour. He is the most observant person I can think of, and he has a knack for  sharing his observations with his readers in a simple yet funny manner. Get ready for some long posts accompanied by stick figure drawings that really shouldn't be as expressive as they are.

5. Confessions of a Banished Writer

This blogger writes short and wonderful poetry about every day stuff that'll either make you question your life or bring a smile to your face. (Four out of five dentists recommend this.)

6. Jim C. Hines

Jim is one of my favourite fantasy/science fiction writers. But his books aren't the only thing that make me ask for more. He shares his opinions about all things human on his blog, and it's simply delightful to just sit back and read what he has to say. His opinions, more often than not, play a role in shaping my own. You will like his blog regardless of your fiction preferences. Go, check it out!

7. That Blawg

Nak writes about life as a student - a science student, in particular - and how he tackles it. He occasionally throws in a tale or two about the various people that are a part of his ordinary life. That Blawg has 'many unabridged tales of the Neighbours and the Nerds.' A fun read.


  1. Well finally I've hit the popularity mark to be blogged on someone else's blog. Your calling my life ordinary has something happy about it, somehow, my dear BENTUPONBLUESTOCKING.

    1. Nak, I just saw your comment. I'm so used to nobody commenting that I no longer check unless people tell me they've commented.
